6 Personal Website Design Examples. Get the Best Inspiration

Are you building your very first personal website?
Or is it time to re-design your 4 years old site?
Are you finding yourself stuck for inspiration?
No problem:
We are going to show you our 10 best personal website design examples that will get your inspiration up and running right now.
The type of work you do - or want to do - doesn't matter at this point: you have to have a site that stands out.
If you're a freelancer you have to shape your personal brand. And if you work inside a larger organization... you have to stand out among your colleagues!
Maybe you're putting yourself up for a new job - or your first job. And you have to make a strong first impression.
For all these reasons and more you must have a personal website that shows everybody, at a glance, what your personality is all about.
Want to know the best part?
You don't have to start from scratch. All you have to do is get inspiration from amazing sites that are already out there.
Have a thorough look through our selection of personal website designs, get your gears running and... I'll see you at the end of the list for some sound advice!
1. It's A Vibe
2. Tim Brack
3. Andrew Shen
4. Duplos
5. The Geek Designer
6. JCS
Is this list amazing or what??
I hope you had fun going through the creative minds of our 10 selected brilliant designers.
And now it's your turn:
Sit in front of your computer with a hot cup coffee and take a deep breath.
Ready? Good.
Now stretch your fingers because... it's time for you to get your hands dirty and make your very own personal site.
Have fun. And make sure it stands out.